Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp Into Afternoon Mini Sessions

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp Into Afternoon Mini Sessions

Your goal is to distinguish this particular afternoon as a special time to practice new behaviors. Just like potty weekend it also remind you not to schedule many other things. By taking these steps, you are 100 percent available to support your child's skill building. At the same time, your child perceives this time as fun and casual with you as the attention giving bonus.

  • Name The Time - Since " NAKED NOONS" is fun to say, it must be also fun to do. Your new 'NAKED NOONS" are meaningful part of a daily routine just like daily story time.

  • Tell Your Child The Goal - naked noons is our time everyday to play potty at home. Then you can say bye bye to your diapers.

  • Practice your goal under the simplest conditions - Begin naked noon with a ritual starting time. Ring the timer. Sing a Song. Now is time to take your child clothes or change out of his diaper to pull ups. For the next three to four hours, you will be busy playing and doing simple chores while always waiting and watching for potty training opportunities. Given that your child is already staying dry longer, your potty breaks will be hour or hour and a half.

  • Teach Potty Hygiene - Even when potty attempts are futile, your still re reinforcing great bathroom behavior, such as using " just enough" toilet paper, the proper way to wipe, fearless flushing, and of corse washing hand to the happy potty song.

  • Practice Make Perfect - Schedule naked noons for two weeks. Its better to include weekend afternoons in your plan, if possible. If not assume you may need a third week. you will have a good idea of your child's improvement over that period of time and how much longer, if any you need to proceed.

  • A Happy Ending - You don't want to be held hostage to your naked noons. Their effectiveness ends when your child wishes to be anywhere else but here. Plan for realistic happy ending. At the end of the first week plan to acknowledge some achievement by your child. You may not be shopping for underpants if your child isn't ready, but you can buy some new fun hand towels or character soaps, or make a photo book with picture from the week called "MY NAKED NOONS".

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