Saturday, December 5, 2009

Adapt The weekend Training Camp Into Weekend Mini Sessions

In some households, you cannot commit to two or three consecutive days of potty training, and your weekday schedules do not allow for consistent afternoon sessions. If that's the case, you can plan one month of mini sessions on Saturday and Sundays, two to three hours in the mourning or in the afternoon. Pick the time of the day that matches your child's best mood. If your child hit hits the day running, choose mornings. If your child sleeps late and hits his stride after lunch choose afternoons.

  • Name The Time - You can stick with NAKED NOONS" or try POTTY PLAY DAYS".

  • Tell your child the goal - " This weekend we will play, potty play day to play potty at home. Then in a few weeks you can say bye bye to your diapers.

  • Practice The Goal Under The Simplest Conditions - Start potty play time just like naked noons with a ritual starting time. Now its time to take your child's clothes or change him out his diaper into pull ups. Plan your weekend mini sessions realistically. Designate a time span that will give your child adequate time practice. You will want to watch and wait for at least two to three potty opportunity each potty play day.

  • Teach Potty Hygiene - Continue with fun bathroom rituals, using just enough toilet paper, the proper way to wipe, fearless flushing, and of corse washing hands to a happy potty song. Your child is learning through repetitions. Each happy bathroom time reinforces a positive goal.

  • Practice Makes Perfect - Schedule potty play days, for four consecutive weekends. Because they are five off day in between your potty play days, you may need adding additional weekends. The purpose of these potty play days, is to create successful experiences for your child. Do not continue, however, if your child is not making the connection between taking off his diaper and the choice to pee on the potty. However is your child asks, allow him to go without diaper during the week in controlled settings.

  • A Happy Ending - Potty play day are suppose to be fun time spent together. At the end of each weekend, plan to acknowledge your child's achievement. Were you counting all the time he peed and pooped on the toilet? After sunday night dinner, present a "HAPPY POTTY" cake with candles for each time your child used the potty. Save the burnt candles. The cake will shine brighter and brighter each week and you can have fun counting all the candles at the end of the month.

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