Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Won't Weekend Training Camp Work For Me? And How To Make It Work

You must adapt the weekend camp to you and your family according to your temperament and your lifestyle. Parents with more layback temperament may rebel against the structure of a potty weekend. Highly structure parents may lose the personal connection with their child because they get lost in the rigidity of the rules. Some adults may get bored staying home all weekend. Busy multitasking pros may overestimate how many things they can include in potty weekend. Some may never find a weekend to turn off the outside world. Families with multiple siblings may have too many obligations to devote one weekend to a single child. That's life. Since parenting is never done in a vacuum, all effective strategies must be modified to fit your very real current situation.

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp For Unstructured Parents

  • Unstructured parents may feel too confined by a potty weekend. You will sabotage the consistent routine and hence fail to give clear expectations and support. If your and unstructured parent you should:

  • Solicit the help of some one who can keep you on task. For example a phone a friend. Who will call every few hours throughout the weekend.

  • Recruit another family member to be a hands on substitute or teaching partner.

  • Try regular mini sessions, for example naked afternoons when you can commit to a few hours of a simplified potty routine.

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp For Weekend Warrior Parents

  • Weekend warrior parents maybe too intense for a potty weekend. They have the tendency to overwhelm the child who did not receive a soft immersion in the potty plan all week along. The weekend warriors should:

  • Double check their preliminary efforts the two weeks preceding the potty weekend. Remember, potty training is a long distance marathon that requires warm up time, not a cold sprint.

  • Relax. Begin The potty weekend and each individual day with a calming affirmation, "I TEACH WITH LOVE AND KINDNESS".

  • Include preplan fun activities to balance the tendency to be consumed by a potty agenda. Open-ended activities blocks, trucks, new dancing songs, and games work best for long days at home.

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp For Busy Parents

Life is busy. There are times in your life when you must juggle more than a sane number of balls in the air. The potty training months may coincide with a critical project at work. Your mother in law could be recuperating in your house from a hospital procedure. You try to do it all with grace and optimism here are some modifications that may help:

  • Working parents integrate mini sessions with other child care routines.

  • Over-doers solicit a realistic time management buddy to review their plans before they begin their potty weekend.

  • "Yes" people inform friends and family that they are in retreat to minimize tempting distractions.

  • Perfectionists accept that there will never be a perfect time and do it anyways. In all cases, parents can substitutes the afternoon mini sessions or try multiple weekend mini sessions.

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp For Full house Parents

You may have too many others family obligations to devote one weekend to a single child. Older siblings have karate and ballet on the opposite sides of town. You're coaching the sunday afternoon game. Don't forget the pancake breakfast and religious services. Full - house families must either use advantage planning or substitute more realistic mini alternatives.

  • Give everyone in the family a part in the potty plan. Create a potty training team with designated "Fun" assignments for older even younger siblings.

  • Preplan. Send sibling to sleep - away at friends or relatives.

  • Consider the afternoon mini sessions or try multiple weekend mini sessions.

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