Saturday, December 5, 2009

Potty Chair Or Potty Seat

Choosing between a potty chair or a seat can be an arduous task for any parent. Specially if this is your first child. With the hundreds of chair and seats available at your finger tips, choosing the right one can seem like an overwhelming challenge. And you will soon find out that there are many tools that can make the potty training process a lot smoother and one of them is a potty chair or seat.

Its personal preference whether you prefer a potty chair or seat to attach to the top of the toilet. The potty chair can be used more independently by your child, its just the right height, perfect for pretend, and doesn't have the fear factor of a real flusher and real water that make things disappear out of sight. The potty chair also affords your child the ability to plant his feet directly on the floor, which helps him get in position for pooping.

Child sized furniture make the development of any skill easier. Also because potty chair are not attach to the toilet therefore making them portable to move around, you can potty train at any room of the house, for example, some parent place the chair closer to where a child pays to help prevent accidents.

If you use a potty chair, at some point your child will have to make the transition to the big toilet. There's no transition if you choose to begin with a potty seat. In addition, the clean up is simple. The potty seat is a natural choice for children attracted to the big toilet. They are portable, often padded, and sit on top of a normal toilet seat. There are lots of styles to choose from and you can let your toddler choose the design because hes more likely to use the seat if he is attracted to it.

Potty seats, over potty chairs, also take up much less room. If you buy a potty chair, it will need its own spot in the bathroom. With a potty seat, the only thing you will need is a small area to store it when it’s not in use. Usually you can fit the potty seat in your bathroom cabinet or even just on the floor beside the toilet.

Ultimately choosing the right potty chair or seat is all about understanding the pro and cons and how you and our child will deal them. Example, is your child afraid of a big toilet or flushing?, Are you willing to walk your child to the bathroom at every ready to go sign, will you rather have a portable potty to move round were ever you go.

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