Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is It Really Possible To Potty Train Babies Under One Year

Potty Training babies under one year of age is possible. It just means something different than the earlier definition of potty training as an independent skill. Potty Training children who are less than one year of age is an independent potty venture. The same interdependent philosophy is found in Suzuki Music education where the parent learn the instrument before the child so the parent can be a teaching partner.

Mom, or another care giver, gets the baby to the potty at night time and assist him in the potty process. This may work better with babies who do well on a schedule. Mom watches the baby for signal that he is ready to go, from grunts to wiggling. Mom carries the baby to the potty, adding a signal of her own, example, a psssing sound. In time, the baby associates the signal with pottying. Voila, no more diapers.

This process only works with time, attention, and a non coercive loving partnership. It is not for the overworked and the over scheduled, and not in homes trying to juggle the needs of adults and other members of the family.

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