Saturday, December 5, 2009

The No No's Of Potty Training

Potty training can be a big concept for any toddler, making this process as smooth as possible will help you avoid many setbacks that are caused from rushing your toddler to start potty training before he or she is ready. When tackling any issue concerning your child take a moment to learn about not only what works, but what doesn't.

Pick The Right Time

Watch you baby for signs that he or she is ready to start potty training. Starting potty training before your toddler is ready will only make it more difficult and delay the process. Although most toddler have the necessary physical and mental skills between 18 and 24 month, some aren't ready until they get closer to age 3 or even 4. Keep a close eye for ready to go signs and keep in mind that what worked for one child won't necessary work for the next.

More important than potty chair, toys and books is patient and support. It may take up to three months to potty train your child or you might have been trying for six with out any success, your child may not be ready. This maybe time to close the lid of potty training for a few months, tune into your child, have some fun, build his self steam and strengthen you child and parent bond. Be careful not to give the message that your child's value depends upon performance.

Select The Right Season

Just as you don't schedule baseball game in mid winter, it's not a good idea to begin potty training week when your child is in a negative stage. When your preoccupied with other commitments, when your stress from work, when a new baby is due or during any other disruptive time in your child's life. Any changes to your toddler usual program are likely to cause setbacks. So wait until things are settled down before you start.

Pushing Too Hard

Its great that your toddler has started to show interest in potty training, but don't rush your baby to the potty at the first squad, pushing her faster than she can handle will only cause her to get nervous, which can also lead to regression, she could start holding in her stool, and cause constipation and other problems.

Let her take her time and get use the this new multitask process, She will move from one stage to the next at her own pace. You can try to motivate her with simple reminders and encouragement , but when she refuses don't push it.

Following Every Other Time Table

It will get worst before it gets better, each week will get harder, but no matter how many times you hear your parents or some one else tell you to hurry up and start training, let it go in one ear and out the other. Always remember you know your child best, you know he's likes and dislikes, what motivates him most, and the signs he's reach his breaking point.You already know this and much more about your child. You're the expert.

They are over million book and guides on how to potty train which are all great but the key is not to go crazy trying everything you hear or read. One size potty training plan does not fit all potty training situations , better yet customize the perfect plan for your child with full awareness of his strengths and complete respect for your child's individuality. These days it's typical to wait for signals your child is ready rather than impose a schedule of your own. And research suggests children can't voluntarily control the muscles for their bladder and rectum until they're at least 18 months old.

So when you hear stories about how john's kid is potty train at 1, just nod and smile and say we "have a plan or our own ,were not worried about it'.


There is no place for punishment in potty training, just as you wouldn't scold the beginning walker for tripping. Your goal is for your child to emerge from potty training with a healthy self image. Getting angry or penalizing your toddler if she's not interested in potty training, won't sit on the potty or has other common problems kids have while potty training won't accomplish a thing. Set backs are natural and punishment will only lessing her interest in training. I know some times is hard and easy to loose control, just give your self a time out and pull your self together.

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