Saturday, December 5, 2009

Common Questions From The Common Potty Trainer

What Are The Signs My Child Is Ready To Start

When he senses he needs to or is in the process of urinating or making a bowel movement. Also when they express an interest. Providing a potty chair and letting him watch you is one way.

Any Good Books We Should Pick Up To Help Introduce The Idea

Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi, Lift the Lid, Use the Potty, by Annie Ingle, and P.J. and Puppy, by Cathryn Falwell.

Has Any One Method Proved The Most Successful

No. Children sometimes become trained regardless of what their parents do. It can take weeks or months. The important thing is to keep it positive. Praise children for what they achieve--don't punish them for accidents or delays.

Should Pull-ups Be Part Of The Program

It's a matter of personal preference. They do not necessarily help or hinder the process. Some parents find them helpful for children who continue to wet when they sleep.

Should We Be Worried If Our Child Isn't Trained By Age 5

It depends. If she is delayed in other things, that could be a concern. Does the child have control? If not, she may have a problem with her urinary tract or bowels and should be evaluated by a doctor. If he's trained for day, but is still wetting at night, it may be normal. At least 10 percent of kids will still be wetting the bed at age 5. This is often genetic. Night urination can even occur up to 10 or 11 years of age without any significant problem, but it's still a good idea to check with your pediatrician.

Does Potty Training Mean Different Thing To Different People

Potty training can mean many different things, although they all lead to the same outcome which is your child's understanding and controlling his body. The methods may differ drastically or may be interchangeable and complementary. Some people believe that potty training is a natural process that is easily learn at the right time, while others believe it is a urgently taught with very specific adult intervention. But unfortunately in many cases potty training feels like a dreadful task.

The truth is that all children enjoy taking control of their bodies and parents have the ability to make potty learning a positive and even fun experience. Children want to grow up as long as change is safe and manageable. You want to support your child thought each developmental stage, cultivating skills, encouraging through failures and designing wining solutions.

Different potty training strategies will work for different families at different times. While the basics are still intact, some specific shortcuts will help get you over the hump in a frustrating situation. There alway a solution to help you and your child move forward.

Popular Potty Training Theories

Infant Potty Training

In many cultures around the world, potty training begins with children under one year of age. Organizations like DiaperFreeBaby have recently described " elimination communication" as a natural family philosophy Consistent with their interpretation of attachment and parenting. Mom, Dad or another caregiver, is a full time participant in the pottying process, timing feeding and elimination, reading the baby's physical cues, and holding the baby on the potty. Proponents of this method believe that it saves on diaper costs, minimizes environmental waste, and leads to deeper parent child bonding. It is also time consuming and can only be done in an emotionally supportive environment.

Dr. Sear's Attachment Parenting

Attachment parenting celebrates emotional and physical bonding between parent and children through breast feeding, co-sleeping , and responsive intimacy. In Dr Sear's book You Can Go To The Potty, he describes potty training as potty learning. The learning process is a natural progression towards independence through loving parent support. Children are fed, rocket to sleep, and diapered by grown ups. Then as children grow and learn language, they choose to eat, sleep, and potty on their own.

Potty Training In A Day

This method accelerates potty training by increasing fluid intake thereby increasing potty training opportunities. Its is recommended for children over twenty months old if both parents are in agreement. Readiness condition should be apparent for the child to begin. In this method, children learn about the pottying process by teaching a doll that wets and using a reward system that reinforces the child success. Parental approval and disapproval are intended to lead the child to the desire behaviors.

America Academy Of Pediatrics

The American academy of pediatrics (AAP) guides lines focus on the positive developmental approach to potty training. The guideline recognize a range of ages to begin potty training based on differences in readiness factors and family dynamics. The AAP recommendations are individualized and allow for months from beginning to mastery.

"No Pants" Toilet Training

In this method, the diaper is removed as a obstacle to children feeling the physical sensations of potty training. The method presupposes the other readiness factors are in place. It may also be a method suitable for some children with special needs, in that it gently yet directly teaches about the potty process. Parents and caregivers, simplify the child's schedule and focus attention on learning the new potty training experience.

Potty Training Myth And Reality

One parent's truth can easily be another parent's myth. Imagine potty training methods to be a long buffet table filled with recipes, prepared in dozens of different ways from deep fried to boil and steamed. Then add seasoning from all around the world. Some will be your favorites, some you love to eat but regret in the mourning. There will be those that your best friend would die for, even though you wouldn't taste it if someone paid you. And also does dishes that you loved two years ago that just don't do it for you any more.

Searching for the right potty training strategy is just like that. You have many choices, and your friend will swear by the strategy that worked for them. Scan the buffet, try small taste of the choices that you like. Before you know it, you will have a plate full of things that really work for you and your child at this particular time.

The myth is that there is one right way for every child. Children create the exceptions to every great theory. It doesn't take a long time to agree that certain food doesn't agree with you. Same goes for potty training theory's make sure you come to the buffet and pick what you like and when that doesn't work for you anymore throw it away and come try a new one.

Is A Potty Training Method Ever Wrong For My Child

Yes, when potty training feels like a battle, its wrong for your child. Remember parent always lose power struggles because the rules of engagement are on the child's terms, not the adult's terms. If you feel a power struggle brewing, quickly call for an emotional truce. Give your self a momentary time out to regroup or consider a large scale re-evaluation of your plan.

Resistance comes in two forms:

  • The hesitant uncertainty of learning something new, confusing and challenging.

  • The dig in your heels defiance of you can't make me.

The second form of resistance will not be productive to moving forward to potty training and requires a re-evaluation. If emotions are flying out of control, screaming panicky coercion, blind desperation, or fearful anxiety. STOP it's time to change course.

Some frustration, as in all learning situations, is natural. Potty teacher welcome the opportunity to build confidence and encourage a sense of " I can do it". You will witness your child's vulnerabilities and even some behavioral testing. But you and your child should always be on the same side and never at war with one another.

Can I Borrow Different Strategies From Different Theories

Finding a potty training strategy that doesn't need to be tweaked to fit your child is like bringing home a newborn that sleeps through the night. You will swear that it's because you did the right thing at the right time, but chances are your second child will prove that theory wrong.

Potty training is personal. You are learning about how your child learns to master her body and her world. Your learning about your self as a teacher what frustrates you and what inspires you. Your child's potty training experiences involve trust, decision making, perseverance through mistake, and the ability to conquer obstacles.

Any potty training program that minimizes the people factor in favor of a right methods falls short. Some potty training situations require more creativity than others, and some children need more support than others. Focus on your child, he's not wrong just because he's not responding the right way. Feel free to make your modifications to any theory.

Is consistency important

Yes, consistency is important. However, consistency is often preceded by a period of trail and error. Real world situation add unexpected challenges to the best laid plans. Potty training takes both the parent and the child into unknown territory, as each potty training experience is different from all others. Using earlier example of the buffet choices, you can't know beforehand that eating a beautiful piece of chocolate cake will make you break out in hives, In the same way, trail and error is a legitimate parenting strategy to find what works and what doesn't.

As things click, you can build a consistent plan, food and routines that make potty choices easier, the right motivating words, and small repeatable successes. Informed knowledge that is personal to your situation will become your child's familiar day to day experience. In this case, the potty experience is familiar, predictable, and non threatening, something your child can control. If you are consistent with your self, your child will understand what's expected of him.

Do Diaper Affect The Potty Training Process

Children today aren't different from past generations of children, although the world around them is different. The biggest change is in the diaper industry, children potty trained before disposable diapers, (who whore cloth diapers) could easily feel the effects of pooping and peeing in their diapers. Diaper got wet, droopy and heavy, The post potty experience was distinct from the pre-potty experience, which easily motivated some children to experiment with holding their pee and poop to relieve in other places.

Diaper technology, however whisked the wetness away from the body. Disposable diapers kept children feeling very comfortable, and kept moms happy that their baby's were clean. Unfortunately, children lost the awareness of a classic physical discomfort.

Diaper companies soon found a solution to assist children in the potty training process even though they were still wearing disposable diapers. Some diaper change colors when wet. This is good news for children who are more logical thinkers " ah, i see change of color that means my body did some when i wasn't paying attention to it". Others diapers feel cold when wet. The sensation gives children immediate physical feed back of what their body is doing. The good news is that this generation is less likely to humiliate children into becoming big boys and girls. The bad news is parent might not always be aware of mixed messages surrounding potty training.

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