Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Your Child's Personal Strength Can Aid You During Potty Training

You have a plan. You may even written down your plan. The next step is to communicate that plan to your child and potty team. Since you want your child's fullest possible participation in the potty process, is best to pick a communication style that matches your child's strengths. Just like your child is born with a temperament style he also has a personal communication preference. Although these may be learned or may be genetic, you've probably witness them for most of his life.

  • If your child was an early talker and is an avid listener to people and stories, one of his strengths may be verbal ability.

  • If your child is a physical risk taker and has boundless energy one of his strengths may be physical ability.

  • If your child enjoys playing with pretend figures and accessories, one of his strengths may be creative imagination.

  • If your child lights up around other children and plays well with them under most circumstances, one of his strengths may be social ability.

  • If your child loves solving puzzles and is drawn to the details in toys and books one of his strengths may be his thoughtful nature.

How To Introduce Potty Training To A Child With Verbal Strengths

The child with verbal strengths loves explanations. He listens to the plan rephrases the plan in his own words, repeats key phrases to remind him self what to do next, and gains control over his actions by talking. If you are a parent with similar verbal strengths, this is easy and natural for you. If you have other strengths, your child's need for talking can drive you crazy. Inspire your word loving child for success in the following ways.

  • Give your child simple explanations in advance of the potty process.

  • Describe the sequence of the potty process( when/then:1-2-3).

  • Giver your child the opportunity to talk read, and sing about her experience.

  • Create key phrases to capture a positive attitude about accidents and mistakes

How To Introduce Potty Training To A Child With Physical Strengths

The physical precocious child is a doer who likes to do first and reflect afterward. You must appeal to his sense of adventure and need for action. If you keep his body busy, you will engage his mind. However, if you ignore his body, he will be bored and distracted. Because potty training requires self awareness, you must hook the verbal/cognitive message onto predictable actions. Inspire your physically precocious child for success in the following ways:

  • Give your child full responsibility to do everything he can.

  • Acknowledge every time your child is on task.

  • Be your child's inner voice describing expectations and success.

  • Celebrate with high fives and an end zone dance.

How To Introduce Potty Training To A Child With Imagination Strengths

The child with a large imagination excels at imitation and pretend play. She is observant, engaged, and attuned to rich details of everyday actions. The imaginative child may embellish play with narrative themes or characters. Some children may assume new identities or include imaginary friends. Inspire your imagination driven child for success in the following ways:

  • Incorporate themes and characters on your potty equipment.

  • Make pottying fun with games and rituals.

  • Create opportunities to rehearse potty skills in pretend play.

  • Use favorite theme and characters to support and encourage mastery.

How To Introduce Potty Training To A Child With Social Strengths

The strengths of a little social butterfly have been obvious from the first time he left your arms for another's. He makes eye contact easily and encourages social connections just like any great politician. He initiates and welcomes social interactions. He'll happily be the last to leave the party. He learns best with other rather than alone. Inspire your socially dynamic child for success in the following ways:

  • Teach by example and recruit positive role models.

  • Keep the cheerleaders near and vocal.

  • Invite your child to join the club of his potty going peers.

  • Be an active potty partner by giving your child time and attention.

How To Introduce Potty Training To A Child With Cognitive Strengths

Your mini intellectual loves sitting still and figuring out how things work. She may be one of those children that seems wise beyond her years. She enjoys working on logic puzzles and games. For example, sorting, sequencing, matching, and counting. She may also love books and self design science projects ( example what happens if i take this apart or if i mix this with that?). Inspire your curious cognitive child for success in the following ways:

  • Use engaging questions to reinforce the sequence of potty training process. Example first we feel it, then we go to it, or bathroom 1,2,3 potty wash, hooray.

  • Make pottying a game where everything is in its rightful place and everything is in order.

  • Help your child to be flexible when things don't go the right way, explain there are more than one right way.

  • Give your child the opportunity to figure out her own solutions to problems.

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