Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gentle Ways To Start Promoting Readiness

Your child may be ready in one area of potty skills but not in all areas. Use these gentle strategies to create a more balanced potty readiness profile. Start by noticing connections between your child's behavior and the area of her strength. Build new opportunities for connections in the areas that are lacking.

You can promote physical readiness by recognizing when your child takes charge of her body. Notice when your child pees or poops in his diaper and tell him that's what he's doing. You will be adding to his awareness of what his body does.

You can promote emotional readiness by including your child in your bathroom routine. Again, this is as natural as having your child watch you talk on the phone and then imitate your behavior.

You can promote language readiness by adding language to daily potty activities. Talk about what you're doing and ask your engaging questions. Talking about pottying is just like asking your child to point to the moon or identify the color of grass, its just ordinary day to day interaction.

Similarly, talking to your child about pottying may create a new cognitive awareness. You may be holding the missing link that your child is looking for. Start with neutral descriptions of your behavior, "WAIT UNTIL MOMMY GOES TO THE POTTY. I DRANK A LOT OF WATER TODAY".

In every instance, however, give up the explanations if your child looks bored. Wait for a better time when your child will give you positive feedback.

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