Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To React After An Accident (Quickly Or Delay For A Few Minute)

If your child comes to you after a potty accident seeking your help, you should respond in a helpful way. Communication is a key ingredient to potty training. The physical and emotional desire to be clean and dry is a powerful potty motivator. At the same time, your child is looking for help and approval, which also further your potty goals.

If you notice your child has had a potty accident and you are wondering what he might do next, you may take a few minutes to observe your child's interest and problem solving abilities. If your child's truly doesn't care, you might want to re think the timing on your potty training and wait a little longer. If the diapers or pull ups are interfering with your child's physical awareness, you may choose more naked time. You may also find your industrious little potty goer may attempt to fix the situation all by him self.

You should not use the delay tactic as a means to blame or same your child. You will undermine your child's faith in you as a reliable potty partner. Blame and shame are unproductive emotional messages in potty training. Your goal is to increase your child's ability to fix mistakes. Disapproving emotions simply cloud his ability to problem solve in a very age appropriate situation.

How Many Accidents Are Too Many

While you did your best to make a one way switch to underpants, there may come a time when you decide to change course. Possibly the readiness behaviors just aren't there, your child has reached a new oppositional stage, or family circumstances have changed the positive dynamic. The original plan has become too frustrating for you or for your child.

Daily accidents for several weeks are too many. your child is showing you she doesn't want to do this. Step Back. Explain to your child without any blame or shame that you decided it will be better to wait for another time. wait a week, or a month. Keep a positive atmosphere until your child is ready to make a fresh start.

Do Accidents Affect My Child's Self Esteem

Your child develop healthy self esteem by learning. He knows he has skill and personal strengths. he also knows he is resourceful in times of trouble and people want to help him succeed. Mistakes are invaluable to building healthy self esteem. A child who learns not to fear mistakes has nothing to fear.

Children who meet with quick success are not always well prepared for situations that require adaptability and problem solving. Instead, they can be easily discouraged by adversity and delayed gratification. You might wish you could protect your child from frustration and disappointment, but then he will not learn he is fully capable of fixing the problem. Instead he might believe that he couldn't handle the situation.

Potty training is a complex achievement in your child's development. In the end, you want your child to say loud and clear "I DID IT!"

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