Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Handling Night Time Accidents

Night time accident are more difficult than day time accident be cause your child may not have the physical control to be successful. Plus, everyone is obviously tired. That said, try to handle nighttime accidents the same as day time accidents, with calm problem solving perceptive.

If your child is sleeping in underpants and having infrequent accidents, you can minimize the inconvenience with a plastic mattress cover. Let your child know that's no big deal to wash the bedding, especially if it's once in a while. He already feels bad enough waking up to a unexpected mess.

Attend to his emotional needs as well as his physical needs. Reassure him that accidents are isolated instances, they will not happen every night. Listen to his worries and help find a solution.

  • Gently talk about the situation with an older child. Does he feel like he has to pee during the nights? Is he willing to get out of bed and pee at night? Make sure our child is clear about what he should do. Add night lights, floor runways lights, or nearby nighttime potty chair.

  • Review the nighttime potty plan. Add extra potty time before you got to bed and first thing in the morning. Would your child prefer calling for you in the middle of the night? ( Its this okay with you if it happen once a month?)

  • Reconsider bedtime routines. Have you been more lenient lately about those late night potty reminders? Does he say he'll stop in the potty after reading his books and then fall a sleep instead? Is he drinking more?

  • Evaluate daytime routines and changes. Are you or your child busier lately? Is he adjusting to some new challenges? maybe you need to plan ten minutes of game time to just hang out together after dinner.

Reassure your child that you will help him stay dry at night and this is a problem you will conquer together. If you are still worried, contact your pediatrician to eliminate any medical causes.

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