Thursday, December 10, 2009

What To Do If Your Child Had Consistent Success But After A Recent Trip He Hasn't Had One Dry Day Yet

Ambivalence is a powerful emotion. You may not expect to see it so strongly in two and a half years olds. Of corse, It part of emotional growth. Two year olds want it all: I want to grow up, I don't want to grow up, I like the potty, I miss my diaper, I want to care of my self, I want mommy to take care of me, Potty training is easy, Potty training is work. Potty age children get stuck in the contradictions and then regress to the old comfort zone.

Another explanations is that for example if you sent your child over to a relative house like his grandparents, that relative might have relaxed the potty routine. Maybe they were to busy playing and laughing with their grandparents to think about skill building. If so, It's a very temporary setback. Travel and a week away could also disrupt your child's potty routine.

Take a step back for the next few weeks, without any potty expectations whatsoever. During those two weeks, talk with your child about how easy it was for both of you when he used the potty. Remind your child that he was happy and successful and wore dose pretty underpants. Make a joke about "THEN U WENT TO VISIT YOUR GRANDPARENTS AND LOOKS WHAT HAPPENED." Be dramatic. Throw your hand up in the air. Eliminate any negative emotional judgments in your part. His potty rebellion is his choice not a power struggle. Set the stage to get back to a positive potty experience. He did it before he will do it once again.

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