Saturday, December 5, 2009

Using Peer Pressure To Make Potty Training Easier

Your child's peers become a significant influence on his behavior after three years of age. They often add a new motivation for potty training but only if adults are not adding negative competition to the child's experience. Negative comparison have the potential for escalating into a power struggle for example, your child could respond, "OH YEAH...YOU SAY LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT ME; I CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE!". Like natural consequences, let the peer experience do the teaching without emotionally charge lecture comparing children abilities.

Stick to simple emotionally neutral descriptions when talking about peer behaviors. If you invite a potty trained friend to your home during potty play times, let the potty trained child lead the potty experience. Be the invisible hand creating opportunities for interest. If your child isn't already curious about his friend's behavior, you wont inspire interest.

Similarly, when your child is at preschool, your prompting may cause resistance. Stand back. Allow your child to observe and choose. Should your child express a desire to kick the diapers or show concern that he's the last one wearing diapers, tell him clearly that your ready to help him. Reintroduce your potty plan.

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