Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tips On Potty Training Boys

All children are potty trained in good time. Naturally, there are obstacles and setbacks, and potty training rarely goes the way you imagine. But did you know that potty training boys takes longer than girls, Girls may potty train earlier than boys but, if so it's only a difference of a few months. Keep in mind that gender differences are statical differences. They do not predict when your child is ready or when your child will be successful.

Make sure that your son is ready to be potty trained before you begin. Trying to start too early can actually backfire and make the potty training process take even longer. Look for signs of readiness, such as being able to follow directions and the ability to communicate the need to use the bathroom. This may happen as young as eighteen months, but in many cases, children are a bit older before they start potty training.

Toddler age boys may be more active at physical play. Energetic boys may master control of their body and limbs but may not be as tuned into the inner workings of their bodies. They may not have the patience to sit for a few minutes on a potty and notice how they can control what comes out.

How Do You Being Potty Training Boys?

It is important for your little boy to watch how daddy pees in the toilet, if possible. Once he watches someone else do this, he will have a more complete idea of what is expected. Since he is too small to use the toilet, however, you'll need to purchase a potty for him to use.

Encourage him to go with you into the bathroom. He may like to sit on his potty while you are on the commode. You can even bring him some of his favorite books to look at. The key is to make this a positive and pleasant experience that he will enjoy.

Once he begins to recognize the feeling of soiling his diaper, encourage him to tell you when this is happening. Some parents prefer pull-up diapers, while others go straight to underwear. If you let your little boy help you pick out underwear in his favorite characters, he may be so excited about wearing them, that he embraces the art of using the potty wholeheartedly!

Should He Stand or Sit?

When potty training boys, you have the additional decision of whether to teach your son to pee standing up or sitting down. Usually is best to keep it simple at first. In the beginning teach your son to sit to pee and to poop. Once he understand the logistics, he will want to imitate his made role models. When your son is motivated to imitate his stand up male role models, you can get him a step tool to reach the adult size toilet.

Same gender role models can make learning easier. Your child won't need to make any logical inferences about what's the same and what's different if he sees similar anatomy, whether he sees daddy, older siblings or male classmates at school. Not to worry, thought, there's no evidence that female potty teachers significantly inhibit potty learning.

Accurate Aiming

Accurate aim is a skill that requires focus and coordination, and it comes with experience. Practice may not make perfect, but at least you can make it fun. Sometimes you can improve your child's aim just by sitting him backwards on the regular bathroom toilet. Otherwise, try some of these classic adaptations.

  • Play sink the cheerio.

  • Add blue coloring to the water and watch it turn green when the pee hits it.

  • Buy commercial animal shaped tissue paper, toilet targets and training urinals.

Handling Shaking And Wall Peeing

Many potty behaviors draw adult shrieks and/or laughter. Most of you will have potty stories for each of your children that will, and should become family classics. Boys are notoriously messy when it comes to peeing on or at a potty. They spray. shake, and dribble. At times, you may grow impatient with the constant mess. Other times, you may be laughing at your little man growing up so quickly.

Always evaluate your reaction before trying to teach your child considerate bathroom habits. If you "screamed watch out for the wall" The first time your child shook before he finished, you inadvertently drew your child attention to his awesome range. And now instead of being more careful, he may need to verify his talent skills fro the potty olympics. The same is true for laughter, it will be much harder to refrain after your child has found his audience.

Try to maintain low key. Quietly clean up accidents. After beginning potty training, your bathroom is no longer an adult sanctuary. It is better to repaint and re-grout than to loose a child friendly atmosphere.

Don't Force Him to Perform!

Finally, it is important that you don't pressure your child to perform in the bathroom. Keep giving him positive reinforcement. Be consistent, too. If you know you are going to be gone for a week's vacation, wait until you get back before you begin potty training. If you are moving to a new home or changing daycare providers for your child, wait until things have settled back down into a routine before beginning the potty training process. You want your little boy to be as comfortable as possible, and with patience and consistency, he will be potty trained in no time.

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