Friday, December 11, 2009

Take The 3 Day Challenge And Stop BedWetting Forever

To help you obtain an accurate record of your child's condition, we will guide you through the following steps.

  • Determine what type of wetting problem your child has.
  • Assess whether or not the occurrence of your child's wetting is related to any psychological factors or events.
  • Measure your child's functional bladder capacity.
  • Record how often your child urinates and moves his bowels.
  • Consider whether your child may have any food or beverage sensitivities.
  • For steps 1 and 2 you will complete a questionnaire.
  • For steps 3 to 5 you will record your observations.

Your answers on the questionnaire and the information you will record will serve three purposes:

1- They will help you better understand you child's condition.

2- Provide you with essential information about the wetting problem

3- Permit you to match the problems that are causing the wetting with the right treatment.

Download The Files Below and Get Started.

Click Here To Download Questionnaire

Click Here To Download 3 Day Diary

Once you have completed the Questionnaire and 3 Diary, go to the Nighttime Potty Training section and learn how to apply the recommended treatments.

Remember that it is recommended that all children who wet because of enuresis wear an enuresis alarm at night, in conjunction with other treatments you have chosen from your treatment chart. The alarm by itself however may not cure your child. As you know, wetting is caused by a number of factors. Deep sleep is only one contributor. Keep in mind that your child is much more likely to reach dryness when several treatment are brought to bear simultaneously.

Treatment Guide Quick Links

Deep Sleep

Understanding The Deep Sleeper

Arousing The Deep Sleeper

The Enuresis Alarm Treatment Plan

Small Bladder Capacity

Understanding Bladder Development And Function

Small Bladder Capacity

Large Bladder Capacity and Urge Syndrome

Large Bladder Capacity and Urge Syndrome

Constipation, Encopresis

How Irregular Bowel Movement Can Put A Damp On Your Potty Training Efforts


Improving Bowel Health

Food Sensitivities

Tracking Problem Foods

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