Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is It Just My Kid Or Do Most Children Have Potty Accidents

Potty training is a long term process that is often three step forward two steps back. In may cases the two steps back aren't regressions. They are simply your child's learning to generalize what he knows in a variety of new context. Your child may have easily mastered his "POTTY WEEKEND" only to discover that different people, different places, different sounds, different routines and different moods all effect potty training success.

Potty training does not end abruptly after the "POTTY WEEKEND", or "NAKED NOONS". Its a gradual transfer of responsibility from you to your child. When your child was a baby, you took full responsibility for her pottying. When he was a younger toddler, you immersed his new potty experiences as he watch and imitated you. When he expressed and interest, you created a potty time just for him. After a few consistent successes under his belt, you still thought for two. But gave your child the opportunity to act on his own. Now you will teach him to stretch those skills, to adapt to the unpredictable, to conquer age appropriated fears, and learn from his mistakes.

You should expect accidents for a few months after your "POTTY WEEKEND, NAKED NOONS" or" POTTY PLAY DAYS." Accidents may even occur sporadically through the preschool years. Young children forget and make less than perfect choices. An understanding, supportive response will prevent a minor accident from becoming a mayor issue.

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