Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Help Your Child Remember To Use The Potty

After your potty weekend or naked noons, gradually turn over the responsibility to remember to potty to your child. Of corse depending on your child, this transfer might be fast or slow. The best strategy is to give your child ownership over his potty training experience the ones that keep your involvement as invisible as possible.

Use Routines

Create new habits for your child by incorporating potty stops into naturally daily transitions times. Routines are one reason why preschool are so successful at potty training. Everyone takes regular preventative potty breaks. What are the optimal times? When your child first wakes up, before he gets dressed, after breakfast, before all cars trip, when you arrive in new places, and before being involved activities are all optimal potty times. keep in mind that you can't force your child to potty. Never insist that he has to actually potty, only state matter-of-factor that there are time to sit and try just in case.

Use signals

Children need gentle, as in non nagging reminders. Verbal reminders are fine, but feel free to be creative, too. Draw a P with a question mark on your child's back when you think it's been a while since his last potty break. Give a T for a potty time out.

Use games

Incorporate a bathroom game into the potty plan. Add a whiteboard or a chalkboard to your child's potty place where he can give himself a check mark for sitting on the potty. Or you can add a bell your child's potty place and he can ring it when he's been successful. Of corse, when you hear the bell ringing, you will cheer, too!

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