Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can your Child's Diet Really Be The Cause Of Bedwetting

Although scientist disagree over the details it is clear that a person's diet can profoundly affect his or her well being. For example, a diet low in fats can lower blood cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of heart disease. In another example, for some people who are intolerant of milk, avoiding milk products will control their diarrhea.

In the case of bedwetting, there is a little substantiated, scientifically proven evidence of a relationship between diet and bedwetting. Despite this lack of scientific proof, we have a good deal of anecdotal evidence from parents and children that avoiding certain foods or beverages may improve dryness.

Doctors develop a diet that is based on the observations of families they treated. Almost all the children treated for bedwetting were put on a happy bladder diet for a trail periods of two weeks. It seem to help about 10 percent of those who try it. Interestingly, many of the foods and beverages that children were asked not to consume while on the diet were the same products that researchers in england recently proved can trigger bedwetting.

Some of the foods and beverages that seem to hinder progress towards dryness for some children are these:

  • Milk and milk products, including ice cream and cheese

  • Carbonated beverages, including colas

  • Non carbonated beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee or tea

  • Citrus fruit and citrus drinks, including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and their juices

  • Melons (specially watermelon)

  • Licorice, which contain a chemical that increases urine production

  • Vitamin tablets, specially does containing vitamin C

Before you experiment with removing any of these food from your child's diet, consult your doctor to make sure your child's nutrition will not suffer.

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