Saturday, December 5, 2009

Building Confidence with Potty Training Pants

Potty training pants are great assets to your potty tool box, although many experts agree that training pants can slow your child's progress because they act as diapers and shield your child from feelings that trigger connections. But potty training pants can be used as more than accident catcher, Since they resemble underwear, potty trainers make children feel like big kid, motivating them to act like big kids.

Ultimately, is up to you to decide what is best for your child, you are the expert when it comes to you kid, you need to make the decision whether potty training pants will help speed your child's awareness or slow it down.Once your child is able to keep his or her potty training pants dry, you can switch them over to underwear. When your child is wearing training pants or underwear, avoid dressing them in clothing they can’t take off quickly.

Types Of Training Pants

There are various different types of training pants available to fit you and your child training style, each with benefits and disadvantages. Some pull up and down like regular underwear, while others snap on the sides. You may want to give your child a couple of options and see which he does best with.

Fabric With Padding

These are similar to underwear, except with padding in the genital area. This type of training pant leaves children feeling especially wet, which can increase their awareness of the need to avoid accidents. Parents who are using the “Potty Train in One Day” method may find these to be the most useful.

Underwear With Vinyl Covering

These are underwear with a protective layer of vinyl to reduce spillage after an accident. They are one of the best options for naps or when you’ll be out of the house for a few hours. However, the double layer can make it difficult for children to get them off quickly, hampering their potty training. If your child doesn’t have this problem, these can be great training pants.

Underwear With Waterproof Fabric

Like the underwear with a vinyl outside, underwear with waterproof fabric is ideal for naps or when you won’t be home for a while. This type of training pant usually has Velcro or snaps on the side, making clean-up easier. They are usually more expensive than the underwear with vinyl coating.


Disposable training pants are similar to diapers because once soiled, you can throw them away. Some parents believe that disposable training pants make it harder for your child to tell when he is wet, slowing the potty training process. There are brands available that have indicators to let you know if your child is wet.

Keep In Mind

The biggest challenge to potty training is your child's awareness before he potties, then his ability and motivation to choose the potty instead of the pull up. While potty training pants assist you in the potty process, you still need a potty plan to guide your child through to mastery. Potty training pants cannot create physical control where none exist.

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