Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Predicting Potty Accidents

Imagine your self in the body and the mind of your potty going child. Your child's inner world looks and feels very different from the one you know. Sometimes your child gets all mixed up. Sometimes his head knows what's right while his body is doing the opposite.

Accidents are likely when your child is busy. Your "POTTY WEEKEND" was finely focused on potty going behaviors. Your child had ongoing reminders. The entire day revolved around making pottying fun and easy. Now, real life adds hundreds of distractions an interesting video, a bug he's never seen before, or the last bite of a cookie. Young children have difficulty stopping whatever its is they are doing, even if that thing will be waiting there when they return. It isn't rational, but it's the way children think.

Accidents are likely when something is different than expected, dad uses different words when he gives a potty reminders, the potty chair is in the wrong place, or your child is startled by the dog. Your child shifts his intellectual and emotional focus to comprehend the changes and whoops, he forgot what he seem to know so well.

Accidents also happen because your child has an immature sense of time, how long it will take to finish something, get to the potty and take off his clothes. Potty ages children frequently underestimate time.

The reason for accidents are as numerous as hours in a day. It's a wonder children ever manage with all the possibilities. Your child ma be sick or in a bad mood, or you maybe sick or in a bad mood. Using the potty might seem like such a bother today. What ever the reason, accidents happen expect them.

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