Thursday, December 10, 2009

How To Handle Peeing Contests

Whether it's freud of testosterone, boys discover quickly that penises can pee near and far, in lines and in circles, on walls or snow. This gets to be a problem when you realize your child has inadvertently crossed your comfort boundary. While your child's actions begin as spontaneous and innocent, they can quickly pass the line of what you consider appropriate.

Teach your child appropriate behaviors early, what's okay outside but not inside, what's okay in the back yard but not in the front yard, what's okay at home with dad but not at school or at friends houses.

  • Know your child. Your boundaries might be realistic or unrealistic. Keep the rules simple if you think your child will have problem remembering them.

  • Know the power of peers. Expect the laughter and attention of peers to outweigh the most sensible rules.

  • Know the principle of escalating action. Some actions are so completely self satisfying that they assume their own momentum. Know when to stop and when to continue before behavior gets out of control.

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