Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Adapt The weekend Training Camp for Difficult Temperament Child

Like the slow to warm-up child the difficult child does not welcome change. But unlike the slow to warm-up child the difficult child is not a receptive partner. He wants it his way and he wants it now.

  • Follow your child's lead through the potty preparation process. Give him control over his body and his actions. Creatively add new skills with an invisible hand. Act as if potty weekend naked noons or potty play days are his idea.

  • Present all potty training as a positive. For example, 'IS IT TIME TO CHANGE YOUR DIAPER?" Use statements rather than request your child's participation. Example "TIME TO SIT ON THE POTTY" rather than "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SIT ON THE POTTY?".

  • Meltdown during the potty weekend are expected. Be available to comfort or pick up the pieces and move forward. Refocus on the goal with clear, simple messages, For example, "SOME TIME YOU DON'T MAKE IT TO THE POTTY IN TIME. YOU WILL NEXT TIME".

  • Each time you begin naked noons and weekend mini's, it requires the problematic task of shifting gears for the child with a difficult temperament. A definitive starting ritual is necessary, as is a strong yet compassionate demeanor for you. You may need to allow your child to fall apart or protest without you questioning the course. Simply wait. He will be ready in time ( his transition time will get shorter each day).

  • If your a parent of a child with a difficult temperament, plan regular rejuvenating breaks for yourself.

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